Berenstain Bears Wiki


When Bear Country School becomes a place filled with the constant rat-a-tat-tat of violent video games, the nerd Ferdy and the jock Too-Tall are forced to team up for a school project on inventions—one that includes guns. It’s up to the teachers and students to make things more peaceful—especially when Too-Tall brings a realistic water gun to school as a prank. Bear Country School will learn an important lesson about dealing with weapons and violent play.



  1. The Culture of Violence
  2. The Culture of Cliques
  3. No More Mr. Nice Guy
  4. Bang Bang! You're Dead!
  5. Come One! Come All!
  6. The Trouble with Teamwork
  7. Guns in the Night
  8. Mothers Against Violence
  9. No Guns Allowed
  10. A Secret Place
  11. The Raid
  12. Showdown!
  13. A Quiet Supper at Home